Become a Member

Become a supporter of the DGC and you will be part of a community that shares your interest in German culture and language. Meet with members and friends to celebrate German art, drama, music, language, history, and current affairs.

DGC Membership

The Dallas Goethe Center had changed its membership fees and deadline. Individual membership has been lowered to $60, and we no longer offer a family membership, student discounts, or senior discounts. Memberships are valid for one year starting on May 1st and lasting until April 30th of the following year.

For Current Members

  • Those who still need to renew their membership must pay by April 30th, 2022 to retain the full benefits of membership

The Dallas Goethe Center is an organization that welcomes all individuals, organizations, and corporations that are interested in understanding and promoting the German language, culture, and traditions. We exist as a platform to contribute to cross-cultural understanding and celebrate cultural diversity in our community. Advantages of becoming a member are:

  • Participating in making German culture more visible and accessible
  • Supporting German language education in the greater Dallas area
  • Developing friendships with other members who share the same goals
  • Attending events at free or reduced cost and “members only” events
  • Learning about German culture, German-speaking countries and language

Membership Form

Fields marked with an * are required.

Memberships are due annually and run from May 1 of each year to April 30 of the subsequent year. You can register and pay for your membership for this year using the form below.
